February Update Forum now mobile friendly
Hi guys and girls just thought I'd give you a quick update and let you know what's been going on behind the scenes at heavytrampling.co.uk. We've noticed a great deal of you use the forum on your mobiles so we've now tweaked the it to make it much more mobile friendly for you, the full desktop experience is still available when visiting on your PC, laptop or tablet but you will now get an easier to use forum on your phone, you can reply to topics, view and upload photos without a problem on any device. There are other things happening in preparation for some new sections and features that I will be telling you about in the near future. Weighingscales is working on the virtual Mistress J Weight that will be featuring in stories and galleries on the site. There are some more pages in development that I'm currently working on and of course we are continuing to make trample and crush videos and responding to requests so please remember to head over to the heavy trampling forum and let us know what you'd like to see. There is a growing community of heavy trampling enthusiasts here so if you haven't already; Register (It's FREE) and join in the fun!
The even heavier (gains baby!), Mistress J Weight x